A lot of people can find themselves in a very difficult situation simply because they made some financial mistakes in the past. A lot of prime financial institutions require you to have high credit score and spotless credit file to be eligible for low interest lines of credit or even for a credit card. But what about consumers that made bad financial decisions, overextended their ability to pay back their creditors and had to file for bankruptcy? Even if you had to go through credit counselling services and paid back your debts, but did not fulfill your contractual obligations with your creditors, you credit worthiness is ruined.If you’ve gone through a bankruptcy and credit counselling program, you will have to rebuild your credit before any kind of credit will be extended to you. Rebuilding your credit can be a lengthy process and requires time and patience. First thing that you should do is to obtain your credit file from main credit reporting agencies. There are two main credit reporting agencies which are: Equifax and Trans Union. Obtaining your credit report is not a very difficult procedure and can be done instantly online for a fee between $15-$40 dollars or free of charge by mail. In order to obtain you credit report by mail you will need to fill out an application form (that can be downloaded from transunion.ca and equfax.com) and attach 2 pieces of id and a utility bill. You can either mail or fax your application to credit bureaus. It usually takes 7-10 business days to receive a copy of your credit file by mail. Once you get a copy of your credit file you should look for any discrepancies. If you declared bankruptcy and were discharged, all former creditors have to stop reporting to the credit bureaus after the discharge date.The same should happen to any collection items if any have been reported on your credit file. If you find any discrepancies you can download and fill out a dispute form from transunion.ca and equifax.com and submit it to the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus have to investigate your dispute and make appropriate corrections in your credit profile. Once all the discrepancies are eliminated, you will have to wait some time before all previous activity is removed from your credit file so you can start rebuilding your credit from scratch. If you went through a credit counselling program, it will take about 4 years after your program is completed for all the R7 accounts to be removed from your file. If you filed for bankruptcy it might take up to 10 years for the bankruptcy to be dropped from your credit file.Once your bankruptcy has been discharged you should get a secured credit card and make your monthly payments on time. After a year or two you bank might release you security deposit. However for the next 7-10 years you will not qualify for car loans, mortgages or lines of credit with prime financial institutions and will have to use services of subprime lenders. If you need quick cash advance (up to $1000) to pay an unexpected expense you can apply for a Payday loans are short term loans that are available to consumers in cases of emergency and at times when there are no other financial options available. Those type of lenders have high interest rates but if you do not have perfect credit rating you can still qualify for a loan with them. Some subprime lender report your timely loan payments to Credit Bureaus and some not (payday loans companies do not usually report to credit bureaus). You should double check with lenders before you apply for a loan. It is better to get financing trough a lender that will report your timely payments to the Credit Bureau as it will positively impact your credit score. Do not apply for a loan with numerous institutions at the same time. Numerous inquiries on your credit file will alert lenders and will lower you credit rating even more. Everything has a price and you will be paying for your past mistakes by having to pay high interest rates.
How to Rebuild Your Credit Using Services of Subprime Lenders and Payday Loan Companies?
Everything About Life Insurance!
I want to start off this 2010 with an article regarding Life Insurance. Many people find this topic morbid but believe me when I say this contract is as important as a Will and should be taken just as seriously as health insurance. Due to the length in details of this article I have provided chapters for easy reading. I hope this will educate you on Life Insurance and the importance of its necessity. (Note: For better understanding “You” is the policy owner and the insured)Chapters:1= Introduction2=When/If you have Life Insurance already3= Difference between a Insurance Agent and Broker4= Types of Policies5= What are Riders and popular types of Riders6= The medical exam1) About general Life Insurance:
This is a contract between you and an insurance company to pay a certain amount (the premium) to a company in exchange for a benefit (called the Death Benefit, face amount, or policy amount) to the beneficiary (the person you want to get paid in the time of your death). This can range based on the type of policy (which will be discussed momentarily), your health, your hobbies, the Insurance company, how much you can afford in premiums, AND the amount of the benefit. It sounds overwhelming but it is not if you have the right agent or broker.Now many people can say that Life Insurance is like gambling. You are betting that you will die in a specific time and the insurance company bets you won’t. If the insurer wins, they keep the premiums, if you win…well you die and the death benefit goes to the beneficiary. This is a very morbid way of looking at it and if that is the case you can say the same for health insurance, auto insurance, and rental insurance. The truth is, you need life insurance in order to ease the burden of your death. Example 1: A married couple, both professionals that earn very well for a living have a child and like any other family has monthly expenses and 1 of the couple has a death. The odds of the spouse going back to work the next day is very slim. Odds are in fact that your ability to function in your career will lower which RISK the cause of not being able to pay expenses or having to use one’s savings or investments in order to pay for these expenses NOT INCLUDING the death tax and funeral expenses. This can be financially devastating. Example 2: lower middle income family, a death occurs to 1 of the income earners. How will the family be capable of maintaining their current financial lifestyle?Life insurance is about the ability of lowering the risk of financial burden. This can be in the form of simple cash or taxes via estate planning.KEY Definitions:The Insured: The person that is covered by the insurance company (He/She does NOT have to the policy owner)The (policy) Owner: The one that pays the premium, controls the beneficiary, and basically owns the contract (Does NOT have to the insured…hope you understand it can be either/or).Face Amount: Also known as the death benefit. The amount to be paid to the beneficiary.The Beneficiary: Is the person/persons/organization who will receive the face amount (death benefit)2) When/If you have Life Insurance:
First, you should review your beneficiaries once a year and your policy approximately once every 2-3 years. This is free! You need to make sure the beneficiaries are the people/person you want to get paid! Divorce, death, a disagreement, or anything of the sort can make you change your mind about a particular person to receive the benefit so make sure you have the right people, estate/trust, AND/OR organization (non-profit preferably) to receive the benefit. Furthermore, you need to review every 2-3 years because many companies can offer a lower premium OR raise the benefit if you renew your policy or if you find a competitor that sees you have been paying the premiums may compete for your business. Either way, this is something you should consider to either save money or raise the policy amount! This is a win-win for you so there should be no reason not to do this.3) Life Insurance Agent or Broker, what is the difference?:
The major difference is an Agent is usually an independent sales man that usually works with different insurance companies in order to give the client the best possible policy while the Broker works for a particular company. My personal advice: always choose an Agent. Not because I am one myself BUT because an agent can look out for your benefit by providing different quotes, types, riders that are available (explained later), AND pros/cons regarding each insurance company. If you don’t like a particular insurance company, tell the agent and he should move on to the next carrier (if he persist for some odd reason, fire him). Buyers BEWARE: The Agent should get paid by the carrier that is chosen, not by you specifically. If an Agent asks for money upfront for anything, RUN! There are also Insurance consultants that you pay but to keep things simple, see an Agent. Consultants and Agents are also great in reviewing current policies in order to lower premiums or increase benefits.4) Types of Policies:
There are 2 main categories: Term and Permanent Insurance. Within each of the 2 categories have sub-categories. I will explain them at a glance in order for you to make the best possible choice for you and your loved ones. Remember, you can have estate/trust or a organization as the beneficiary. (Note: There are even more sub-sub-categories within these sub-categories but the difference are so small and self explanatory that I have not included it in this article. Once you speak to an agent you will have enough knowledge by this article that you will know what questions to ask and know if you agent is right for you).Term Insurance: A temporary policy in which the beneficiary is paid only upon death of the insured (you) within a specific time period (hence the word “Term”). Term Insurance is usually less expensive with a smaller death benefit. Some do not require medical exams BUT expect to pay a higher premium since the risk of the insurance company is unknown. Also, term insurance normally does not accumulate cash value (explained in permanent insurance) but can be purchased on top of your permanent policy (for those that may have coverage already):Convertible Term: Ability to convert policy to permanent. There are some REALLY GOOD policies that require no medical exam, driver history, or hazardous avocations at a certain point in order to convert to permanent coverage guaranteed with all the benefits that permanent insurance policies has to offer.Renewable Term: Able to renew a term policy without evidence of insurability.Level Term: Fixed premiums over a certain time period than increases (great for those that are young adults and expect within 10 years to have a increase in pay).Increasing/Decreasing Term: Coverage increases or decreases throughout the term while the premium remains the same.Group Term: Usually used for employers or associations. This covers several people in order to reduce premiums. (Great for small business owners)Permanent Insurance: Just as the name states, this provides coverage throughout the lifetime of the insured. This also builds cash value which is fantastic for tax purposes because if you loan out money to yourself using this cash value there are no tax implications. Few policies may have in general withdrawal tax-free. However in most cases, If you withdraw the cash value you pay the only the taxes on the premiums (the amount that grew) which is fantastic. Just make sure your agent knows not to have the cash value grow larger than the death benefit otherwise it is subject to 10% taxes! Surrender charges may also apply when you withdrawal so PLEASE consult with an agent who can assist you with these details. You should consider Permanent Insurance if you have a family and don’t mind an increase in premiums (amount you pay) by a few dollars compared to term.Traditional Whole Life: Pay a fixed amount of premium in order to be covered for the insured’s entire life which includes accumulating cash value.Single-Premium Whole Life Insurance: Whole life insurance for 1 lump sum premium (usually that 1 lump sum is very large in order to get a great death benefit).Participating Whole Life Insurance: Just like Traditional Whole life except it pays you dividends which can be used as cash OR pay your dividends for you! There is no guarantee that you will be paid the dividends, this is based on performance within the insurance company.Limited Payment Whole Life Insurance: Limited payments for whole life but requires a higher premium since you are in fact paying for a shorter amount of time. This can be based on payment amounts (10, 20, 30, etc payments) or a particular age (whole life is paid up at age 65, 75, 85, etc).Universal Life Insurance: Flexible premiums with flexible face amounts (the death benefit) with a unbundled pricing factors. Ex: If you pay X amount, you are covered for X amount.Indexed Universal Life: Flexible premium/benefit with the cash value is tied to the performance of a particular financial index. Most insurance companies crediting rate (% of growth) will not go below zero.Variable Life Insurance: Death Benefit and cash value fluctuates according to the investment performance from a separate account of investment options. Usually insurance policies guarantee the benefit will not fall below a specified minimum.Variable Universal Life Insurance (also called Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance & Universal Life II/2): A combination of Variable and Universal which has premium/death benefit flexibility as well as investment flexibility.Last Survivor Universal Life Insurance (also called Survivorship or “Second to die” Insurance): Covers 2 people and the death benefit is only paid when both insurers have died. This is FANTASTIC and somewhat a necessity for families that pay estate taxes (usually High-Net-worth individuals).5) Life Insurance Riders, what is it and why is it very important:
Rider is the name of a benefit that is added to your policy. This provides special additions to the policy which can be blended and put together. There are SO MANY types of riders that I would have to write a different article regarding Riders (and insurance companies add new types of riders often) but I want to at least name the most popular (and in my opinion, the most important) that you should highly consider when choosing a policy. Riders add to the cost of the premium but don’t take riders lightly; it can be a life saver!Accidental Death Benefit Rider (AD&D): Additional death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary if you die from a result of an accident (ie: Car accidents, a fall down the stairs). This is especially important if the insurer travels often, relatively young, and has a family. Please note: You can buy AD&D Insurance separately.Accidental Death & Dismemberment Rider: Same as above BUT if you lose 2 limbs or sight will pay the death benefit. Some policies may offer smaller amounts if losing 1 eye or 1 limb. This is great for those that work with their hands.Disability Income Rider: You will receive a monthly income if you are totally and permanently disabled. You are guaranteed a specific level of income. Pay attention to this detail, depending on the policy it will either pay you depending on how long the disability lasts OR time frame of the rider.Guaranteed Insurability Rider: Ability to purchase additional coverage in intervals based on age or policy years without having to check insurance eligibility.Level Term Rider: Gives you a fixed amount of term insurance added to your permanent policy. This rider can add 3-5 times the death benefit or your policy. Not a bad deal!Waiver of Premium Rider: If you become disabled which results to the inability to work/earn income, the waiver will exempt you from paying the premiums while your policy is still in force! There is a huge gap between policies and insurance companies so the devils in the details with this rider.Family Income Benefit Rider: In case of death of the insurer, this rider will provide income for a specific time period for your family.Accelerated Death Benefit Rider: An insurer that is diagnosed with a terminal illness will receive 25-40% of the death benefit of the base policy (The decision is made between the insurer and the insurance company). This will lower the death benefit however depending on your finances or living lifestyle, this rider should not be taken lightly and should seriously be considered.Long-Term Care Rider: If the insurer’s health compels to stay in a nursing home or receive care at home, this rider will provide monthly payments. Please Note: Long Term Care insurance can be bought separately for more benefit.6) The Medical Exam:
This section is not to scary you away but to mentally (and possibly physically) prepare you for the medical exam so this way you know what to expect and can get the lowest possible premiums while receiving the highest possible death benefit. This really shouldn’t be a concern if you work out regularly and maintain a healthy eating habit (notice I said habit and not diet. Diets don’t work for long term).The exam is mandatory for most insurance policies. Many term insurance do not require one but expect a low death benefit and/or higher premium. The idea of the exam is not just to see if you’re insurable but to also see how much they will charge the insurer/policy owner. The exam is done by a “paramedical” professional that are independent contractors hired by the insurance company who either come to your home or has an office where you/the insurer visit. They are licensed health professionals so they know what to look for! In very few cases the insurance company may ask for an “Attending Physician Statement (APS)” from your doctor. This must be provided by your doctor and NOT copies by you. TIP: The “paramedical” job is to give the insurance company a reason to increase your premiums so don’t give any details that are not asked.First part (either called Part 1 or Part A) is complete by the Agent or by you. Part 2/B is the paramedical or physician portion. The best bet is to have your agent contact a paramedical that specializes in mobile exams for an easier exam for you. Paramedical will contact you to schedule an appointment. The exam is not optional so it’s not a matter of yes or no but when and where. This entire exam will cost you nothing except time so make the time, life insurance is important!The paramedical/physician will take your medical history (questions), physical measurements of height and weight, blood pressure, pulse, blood, and urine. Additional tests will vary based on age and policy amount (yes, the higher the death benefit = the more tests that must be provided). Now if the policy is substantial, the insurance company may not send a paramedical but require an actual Medical Doctor to exam you. Of course, this is chosen by the insurance company so remember my tip earlier! This exam may even include a treadmill test and additional crazy exams in order to see if you qualify for that substantial amount and low premium. On the flip side, if you choose a low insurance policy, you will just have a paramedical doing simple tests that mentioned earlier with no additional exams.What they are looking for: Paramedical/Physicians are looking for health conditions that may shorten your life. Remember, insurance companies are here to make a business and if you’re a liability then it might be a risk they do not want to take or raise the premium to make the risk tolerable. Blood and urine is taken to see the following:- your antibodies or antigens to HIV- Cholesterol and related lipids- Antibodies to hepatitis- Liver/kidney disorders- Diabetes- Immunity disorders- Prostate specific antigen (PSA)- Drug tests such as cocaineThe Results: They are sent directly to the insurance company’s home office underwriters for review. Many times you can request (must be written request) to receive a copy of the results however many insurance companies will automatically do this. Many times they will find abnormalities but it’s usually not a concern and just speak to your medical professional for a follow up (remember: the insurance company will look at these exams with a “fine tooth cone” in order to see what the risk are). The underwriters will look at the exam results and the application (remember part 1/a? well, now they want to see if your also lying) and determine the premium amount. Smokers pay more; any nicotine in your system will consider you a smoker, even if it is just socially.The premium is determined by a category that you fit in. This really depends on the insurance company on how they factor but the general rule is if you are a higher risk, you pay higher premium. If you are standard risk, you will pay a standard premium, and if you are a preferred risk, you will pay a low premium.You can decline the policy after you receive the final quote after the exam but do remember this: All results will become part of the MIB group’s database (Medical information Bureau). This is a clearinghouse of medical information that insurance companies use to store information after you apply for Life/Health/Disability Income/Long Term care/Critical Illness insurance. So for seven years it will be on database. You can receive a free report annually (like a credit check) at their website which I included at the bottom of this article.Now that you know practically everything there is to know about life insurance. I hope you realize how important it is. It may seem like a lot but the hardest part is simply choosing what type of policy is right for you. This can be done with the help of your Agent. In the end, everyone is different and everyone should analyze their own situation and need for the beneficiaries. If you have even the slightest concern for a loved one regarding what will happen if you was no longer with us then you should consider life insurance. There truly is a feeling a relief once you know you and your loved ones are covered regardless of how much you or that person makes. For many that feel that their loved ones don’t need the death benefit due to whatever the case may be (“they earn enough money to survive” is the biggest reason I hear against life insurance), this can be a simple last gesture of “I love you” or appreciation for them being part of your life.I hope I was able to educate you in Life Insurance and if you have any additional questions please feel free to email me.MIB website: http://www.mib.com/html/request_your_record.html
The Most Important Five Elements Of Excellent Network Marketing Books
Beginning a Home Based Business using network marketing requires Network Marketing Books. You need good reading material in order to start your new business on the right foot. There are many options from which to choose, and each option often promotes a different strategy as being the best strategy. I wanted to write an article explaining how to make the highest quality Network Marketing Books.These Are My Picks For The Best Things That Should Be Included in Network Marketing Books.The Number One thing is personal branding. Actually, personal branding is the most important thing that should be included in a high quality Network Marketing Book, including the various options available in order for you to brand yourself. Once again, remember that there are many books available for purchase, and many more Network Marketing Companies for you to join. You want to pick the best Network Marketing Books.In order to be successful in Network Marketing, you NEED to comprehend how to brand yourself. In order to get attention from people, you need to stand out from the crowd. People will then see you as being an important resource, a resource which will spark their interest, because they will see your views as a potential new opportunity. Your potential down lines can add a whole new perspective.You need to learn good leadership skills, and how to use them, in order for your team to trust you and respect your knowledge. We will show you a few of the things you will want to teach your team, as well as a few of the other things you can hope to achieve from high quality Network Marketing Books.The Second thing on your list is to evaluate the company and your potential up line. You need to have a strong up line before you can be trusted as a leader for your down line. You won’t be able to learn everything you need to know from books, so you will benefit by joining a strong up line.Your questions about up lining should be answered in a high quality Network Marketing Book. Find your best fit, whether it be a brand new startup company, or a company that has been around for a long time and has a great reputation. Remember that we are discussing Network Marketing. Although the product is important, the most important factor is whether or not you have the potential to become a good networker.Number Three is marketing via YouTube videos and networking via social media sites. SEO will be the next factor to consider. Facebook has millions of people who are logged in at once. A high quality Network Marketing Book should teach you how to create a Facebook fan page and group, plus ways to keep connected with your fans without acting like a pushy sales person. Other social networks include Twitter and MySpace. Since it is a fact that many people have strong social lives online, it is equally important to know how to utilize social media sites.Number Four is a topic I mentioned earlier, and that is SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, which is the method by which you can obtain thousands of free leads. A successful Network Marketer needs to know how SEO works, and be able to implement SEO techniques.It makes sense that a high quality Book would include link building techniques such as Key Word Placement and Key Word Research in order to help you understand your chances at succeeding in getting indexed on the major Search Engines. The general SEO techniques can vary from search engine to search engine, but the basic techniques for Google, MSN or Yahoo are pretty much the same.The Fifth Most Important Thing You Need in A High Quality Network Marketing Book is a good format that will help you manage your time properly. It is always best to know a little about everything in order to be an excellent Networker. When you first begin blogging, it is difficult to ascertain whether or not you are spending too much time blogging. You also need to spend time building links, doing out-sourcing work, building your social networks on Social Media sites, and making your presence known on YouTube. Plus you need to learn basic sales techniques including cold calling, local promotions, Email Campaigns, Google AdSense and Pay Per Click. Plus, aside from marketing techniques, you also need a great team who work well together. A great team can help you to become truly successful.Start with what you know and are good at doing, then learn other Marketing skills so that you will not be confined to one small Niche. Learn a variety of skills. Know how to brand yourself. Study how to be a great leader that your team will respect. A high quality Network Marketing book will offer tips on how to manage your online time.Emails could require 1 or 2 hours per day. Your blog could require at least 3 published blog posts per week. You might want to create 2 YouTube Videos per week. It is best to learn as much as you can in order to be diversified. If you are diversified you will be more skilled at promoting yourself branding.It will help you to learn how to manage your time, marketing and SEO techniques, and, at the very least, offer you general ideas as to how you can brand yourself in your areas of expertise.It is a wise idea to have some great Network Marketing Books available as reference books in your personal library. However, you do not need a book that you will never use. You should make sure that the Network Marketing Books you buy have a minimum of FOUR out of the FIVE factors. I wish you every success.
Innovative Internet Marketing Ideas – Advantages and Disadvantages
If you are a business owner or even if you are about to become one, there is a good chance that you have heard of innovative internet marketing ideas before. Although you may have heard of these ideas before, do you know what they are? Do you know what they can do for you and your business? Are you using the same old marketing techniques used by everyone else in the industry and struggling for traffic and business? Lets examine the advantages and disadvantages of using innovative internet marketing ideas to promote your business.Before you start to examine the advantages and disadvantages of innovative Internet marketing, it may be a good idea to examine exactly what it is. As a business owner or a soon to be business owner, you likely already know what Internet marketing is. Marketing is getting your business out into the general public; it is done by targeting your intended audience, your customers. That targeting is done by way of the internet; thus the title, internet marketing. It is also important to understand how to be innovative and how that ties into internet marketing. Innovation is another word that is often used to describe something new; therefore, innovative Internet marketing ideas are relatively new ideas, particularly ideas that have just recently been developed.When it comes to innovative internet marketing ideas and your business, you will find that there are a number of benefits. One of those benefits is the ease of use. Even if you do not have a large amount of computer experience, you will often find the internet easy to use. Whether you are interested in making your business an online website, starting a business newsletter, or conducting a demographic analysis online, you should easily be able to do so. Even if you do not know how to start up your own newsletter, do an online poll, or make your own website, you should be able to learn, often in no time at all. The internet offers information on starting all kinds of businesses.Once you have chosen your niche, or specific area or product that you would like to promote or sell, try searching the internet for similar products or services. In this way, you can determine any potential competition. If competition exists, you can decide if you want to compete, or find a complimentary product or service to promote. If competition doesn’t exist, and there is a market looking for answers to a question, this would be a perfect niche market to begin a business in.In addition to using the Internet to put your innovative marketing ideas to into motion, you can also use the Internet to find those ideas. Using the Internet to find innovative Internet marketing ideas is a relatively quick and easy process. By staying up-to-date on the latest business and marketing news or by performing a standard Internet search, you can easily be kept in the loop, when it comes to Internet marketing ideas, particularly new ones. If you have a niche that you are interested in, often signing up for related newsletters or chat rooms can lead to the discovery of a new business idea or marketing technique. If you put those ideas into motion, as soon as you hear about them, your business may be given an edge above the rest of its competition. In fact, a new innovative Internet marketing idea may be just what you need to get your business up and running.What is also nice about innovative Internet marketing is that, although it is relatively easy to develop your own marketing ideas and execute them, you don’t necessarily have to. For example, there are a large number of individuals who specialize in Internet marketing. Those individuals, who are often referred to as internet marketing specialists, can be found online. An internet marketing specialist is a trained professional who can not only come up with new ways to market your internet business online, but they can also execute those ideas for you, for a reasonable fee. Whether you don’t have the time to develop an effective marketing plan or if you want to avoid the hassle of doing so, an internet marketing specialist may be able to offer you assistance.Although there are a large number of advantages to using innovative marketing ideas to promote your business, there are also a few disadvantages to doing so as well. One of those disadvantages is the fact that innovative marketing ideas are new. With new marketing ideas, they have sometimes yet to be tested or proven; therefore, you are really given no guarantees that a new, innovative Internet marketing idea really will work. Of course, it is important to remember that with business, there are always risks. Trying a new innovative internet marketing idea may not work out to your advantage, but it may also be the best thing that has ever happened to your business.
Traps to Avoid When Transitioning from Home Schooling to a Public or Private School
Many homeschoolers have to face that moment when their children go to a public or private school. Even though they have decided the time is right and have researched all the schools, the transition can be tough for families. Here are a few traps that some home school parents fall into after they have committed to sending their child off to school:1.Expecting a Miracle. This is the one of the biggest disappointments for many home school families. Some expect that a child’s social or academic weaknesses will be overcome in the first quarter at a public or private school. Usually this attitude comes from home school parents who have doubts about their own teaching. Maybe home schooling wasn’t all they had hoped for. Maybe they found that although some subjects went well, others had not been easy. Don’t expect that the school you have chosen will be able to make up for your child’s weaknesses quickly. Be sure to talk to his teacher ahead of time, to highlight areas you perceive as weak, so the teacher can be attentive and proactive.2.Don’t Take It Personally. When you teach your child at home, it is a very personal experience. It’s sometimes difficult to see an F on a paper that your child completes for her new school. You may take it personally, feeling like you earned the F. Please don’t. Even if you helped your child complete the homework, it’s not all about you. Don’t let your pride get in the way of your child’s education. Look through the homework when you’re calm. Then set up an appointment to discuss it with the teacher, if you don’t understand where the failure occurred.3.Expecting a Teacher to be Just like You. There is no one that teaches exactly like you. Don’t expect them to! You may have done science experiments with every lesson, but your child’s science teacher prefers to lecture with a weekly lab. You may listen to your child read aloud for an hour a day. That is impossible in most schools. Your child is no longer the primary focus of the teacher, and that’s hard for some homeschoolers to remember. When you call the teacher and ask if your child ate all her carrots for lunch, realize that the teacher will most likely have no idea. That’s more of a parenting issue (or one of individual responsibility for the student.) It’s not a teaching responsibility, nor do most teachers have a memory for so many little things.4.Do Not Attack the Teacher. Always keep communications open with the teacher. Ask for a meeting every other week, if you like, but don’t use that time to attack the teacher’s teaching methods or abilities. Writing a five-page manifesto and making the teacher cry and flee the room are ways to alienate yourself and make the teacher never want to attend your meetings again. It would be better to address only one or two things per meeting. Give your observations (not judgments) then let the teacher talk. Continue to observe and give your opinions in a heartfelt way. Then, give the teacher time to think about what you have said. You may wish the principal and other teachers to attend, depending on your concerns. Larger groups often come up with solutions and strategies and don’t deteriorate into personal attacks.5.You Won’t Like Everything. Realize that you have chosen the best school for your child, but that does not mean it’s perfect. Maybe you preferred a school that meets your religious education expectations, but they give more homework than you think is necessary. Perhaps you chose a school that has a more personal style of education, but you find out that the they aren’t structured enough for your child. Try to think through everything that is a high priority before you register at the school. Then, commit yourself to stay at the school for the entire year (barring anything that violates your high priorities.) Even if things get tough, you’ll probably find that it’s worth the minor disagreements and disappointments to get the benefits that your family really values.It is never easy to make such a big transition, but if you think about these five traps as you switch from a home school environment to a public or private school, you may be more successful and less stressed than some home school families who have gone before you.
How to Know If Home Schooling Is Right For You
Have you considered homeschooling your children? Maybe you have but often wondered what you would be getting yourself into if you did. Thousands of parents home school their children every day. It wasn’t an easy decision, there are a lot of things to consider when you home school your child, here are some of the main things that you need to consider.Financial strainOne parent will have to stay home with child while they are schooling them or working part-time, if you are used to living on a two income family there will be some sacrifices made to compensate for this. Also home schooling, while can be done cheaply can also cost more money depending on which program that you use for homeschooling.Time Teaching your children at home will take up most of the day. You will have to have available time to teach, take on field trips and to prepare lessons. There is a lot when you are doing this at home. During the day you will have very little time of your own.Field tripsAfter a while your child may get bored learning at home, and want to have friends to play with, this is a huge part of schooling is having friends to play and socialize with. You will have to make arrangements to take your child out to the park or the library where they can socialize with other children.Household ChoresIt will be hard to keep up with household chores while you are teaching classes. You will have to work on most of this after school hours to complete everything. You will have to be organized not only with the work which is needed to be done around the house, but with the lesson plans and everything else.Your childDoes your child want to go to public school? Are they comfortable being taught by you and willing to learn if you teach them? You want this to be a pleasant experience for them and need for them to learn, if they don’t want to be taught at home it will be a daily struggle for them to learn and have a pleasant experience.Homeschooling can be a great experience with them, many children will continue on to college and do well in college. It’s a huge decision to teach your children at home and make sure that they learn everything which is needed for when they are adults,. It’s not a decision to take lightly.
The Mexican Baja Hoodie Is For Everyone
Whether you live along a coast line, rural country, high mountains, or climates with rain, fog, or snow a Mexican Baja Hoodie, or Pullover will always be in style. They have a unique ability to be comfortable and retain heat while still feeling breathable. The patented use of eco-friendly material can get the credit for that. Baja Hoodies broke into popular U.S culture in the 70′s and 80′s in California commonly worn by surfers and hippies. However, there has been a surge in demand and popularity within the last ten years, not specific to any subculture. Why the trend? Because it is cool, comfortable, and stylish no matter what group you identify with. Check out the recently popular Rugby style in a variety of solid colors.A Baja Hoodie will always be the right choice after a day surfing or at the pool, during a morning jog, hanging out at the apartment with buddies, or a night on the town. The Rasta style drug rug is one of the most popular pullovers and is perfect for any Bob Marley fan.The popularity can also be credited to its unique fashion design. It comes in a variety of colors to match any outfit that can be conjured. Its trade mark design consists of vertical, bold stripes of any color imaginable traditionally paired with black stripes. Multicolor hoodies exist as well and appeal to both men and women. So, get with the trend and check out all the variety. It’s always good to have a few of your favorites to be worn at anytime no matter what the casual occasion.
My Anti Aging Skin Care Review – 3 Things You Must Know
In my anti aging skin care review of dozens of products, I’ve discovered three crucial things that separate an effective anti aging skin care system from those that don’t measure up.It’s taken me over a decade to acquire this knowledge. Like you, I’d been noticing the unmistakable signs of my advancing age: an ever-increasing number of wrinkles, skin sagging around my neck (and other places), cellulite on my legs (yuck), bags under my eyes that seem to keep getting heavier. I could go on, but I don’t think I need to–we all deal with these things.I drank lots of water, followed a healthy diet, and tried to exercise regularly, but while those steps helped, they didn’t seem to be enough. I didn’t want to go the cosmetic surgery route. I knew there had to be good anti aging skin care products available that would really help to rejuvenate my skin.I finally found them. And in the process, here’s what I learned from my anti aging skin care review.1) A good anti aging skin care system does not use fragrances.Most fragrances are actually chemicals. If you have sensitive skin, like I do, a lot of these fragrances can irritate your skin.I also learned that many common fragrances can even impact your central nervous system, influencing your moods–and not in a good way. Who would have thought that merely putting on a cream that smells good can actually make you irritable because of the questionable ingredients it contains?In my anti aging skin care review research, I found a few skin care products that are 100% fragrance-free. I’ve been using them ever since.2) An anti aging skin care system should be clinically proven to work.Popular skin care brands usually try to convince us of the efficacy of their products by having glamorous Hollywood actresses claim Product X is responsible for their ageless beauty. But how about less hype, and more scientifically verifiable evidence?My research led me to an anti aging product that has been clinically proven to increase skin elasticity by 42% over an 18 day period. Greater skin elasticity equals fewer wrinkles, and smoother, more youthful looking skin.Look for skin care products backed up by facts–not Hollywood hype.3) An anti aging skin care system should use a high concentration of active ingredients.While conducting my anti aging skin care review, I found that many of the well-known cosmetic brands that I’d been using for years contained only scant amounts of active ingredients.These active ingredients are important–the more included in a skin care product, the greater its potency. But a lot of skin care treatments use mostly synthetic waxes and fillers, substances that have no impact whatsoever in rejuvenating your skin.I recommend using only products that have an active ingredients composition of at least 50%. Admittedly, that’s a high percentage, but such anti aging skin care systems do exist.Your next step? Start using the lessons I learned during my anti aging skin care review, and visit my web site to find out more about the natural skin care methods I personally use, and highly recommend.
Protect Your Store From Robberies With a Fully-Equipped Business Surveillance System
A business surveillance system keeps the store owner fully aware of what is happening inside or even just outside the door of his own store. This is the most convenient way to keep an eye on the store premises and even the customers or employees coming in and going out of the store.Robberies happen all the time. Fortunately, store owners can also maintain a watchful eye on their store even from a short distance. If his store happens to be situated just near his home, then he can set up a wireless security camera system that lets him stay within the premises of his home while keeping an eye on his store.These security camera systems come with the following elements:
• one or two security cameras, depending on how many is needed, that the store owner can place in key areas of the store such as near the cash register, along the farthest isle from the counter, at the front or back door, or just outside the store to see who is coming in before they even come in.
• a monitor or TV where the store owner can watch
• surveillance software which can also be used for PC monitoringMany stores have a business surveillance security system for fear of burglars getting into the store or robbers holding the employees up and not leaving any trace of evidence for them to get caught. With a sophisticated wireless surveillance system, store owners can now cooperate with the police in tracking who the real criminals are.
Become a Certified Pharmacy Technician
When you finish your pharmacy technician course, you would still need to go through one more step before you can work as one. You need to become a certified pharmacy technician, often abbreviated as CPhT. The PTCB exam is given three times every year for those who want to aspire to be full pledged pharmacy techs. Only a few states in America require pharmacy techs to get certified but it pays to undergo the exam in case you get a job elsewhere that will require you to be a certified pharmacy technician. You will realize that many employers prefer certified pharmacy technicians over non certified ones because they possess official recognition that they are qualified to do the job.The purpose of the exam is to make sure that anyone who will be pursuing a career in pharmacy technology will have the basic knowledge required in this field. The exam will also make sure that you have the foundation as well as the proper training in order to meet the daily requirements of the job. The exam tackles the core knowledge and skills that are expected from a good pharmacy technician. The certification exam also is a regulatory procedure by the government to make sure that the health professionals who give health care to the patients all around the country are all qualified to do so. It ensures the safety of the citizens of the country.There are a few requirements before taking the certification exam for pharmacy techs. First, you must possess a high school diploma, GED or its equivalent if you are from another country, and you must be clear of any drug related cases in the FBI, or its foreign equivalent. Furthermore, you must no be under any form of limitation from any State Board of Pharmacy.If you have satisfied the prerequisites above, then you are eligible to take the exam. You need to pass the PTCB exam to be able to be awarded the pharmacy technician certification status. It is best that you review your past courses in your pharmacy technician programs and concentrate on getting the basics and foundation memorized by heart. This is a very important exam that can be the start of your career.Certifications are renewed every two years. For each recertification that a pharmacy technician undergoes, there is a required 20 hours of further education within the two year period prior to the certification exam day. This means that the candidate must be able to take refresher courses from the desired college, organization, associations or pharmacy technician programs, with at least one hour pertaining to pharmacy law. Ten of the 20 hour requirement can also be earned under direct supervision of a pharmacist. The continuing education requirement is a great opportunity for the candidate to refresh his memory about the core knowledge and skills needed by a pharmacy technician and it is also a chance to be updated with the developments in the field.The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam will be taken using a computer and not a paper and pen, as it was previously administered a few decades ago. It has 90 multiple choice questions that cover the basics in pharmacy technology such as assisting pharmacists in providing service to various patients,maintenance of medication and systems that concern inventory control, and role and participation in the administration and management of good pharmacy practice. These are the topics that the Board feels are essential to having a well rounded pharmacy technician who is fit to serve the vast group of patients all over the United States of America.